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#1 2020-02-09 00:26:05


Merci, Cherie

Piosenka-ESC: חי

AUSTRALIA Montaigne - Don't Break Me


"Don't Break Me"

Muzyka: Jessica Cerro, Anthony Egizii, David Musumeci
Słowa: Jessica Cerro, Anthony Egizii, David Musumeci

Wersja studyjna: https://youtu.be/FpCT2nNpnzs
Finał narodowy: https://youtu.be/gr-wWxu4974
Jessica Alyssa Cerro (14.09.1995, Sydney)

Don't Break Me

I don't feel the same buzz when your name comes up on my phone anymore
Feels like I don't feel you, I fear you and it makes me cry on my floor
It feels like you're taking me for granted
I've given you everything I have, yeah
And I can barely bring to mind the reason why I've stretched myself so far for you

But oh, oh, oh
I can't take it anymore

Don't break me
Don't break me down, down, down, down
Don't break me
Are you hearing me now, now, now, now?
You thought I was elastic
But maybe I'm just made of glass
Don't break me
Don't break me down

Isn't love a compromise, two people tryin' to keep the fire burning?
You've been busy playing 'round and starting fights while I've been busy earning
Every time that I try to explain it
You think that your pain is more important
And the hardest thing is that I don't want to give it up, I love you, I love you, I love you

But oh, oh, oh
I can't take it anymore

Don't break me
Don't break me down, down, down, down
Don't break me
Are you hearing me now, now, now, now?
You thought I was elastic
But maybe I'm just made of glass
Don't break me
Don't break me down

I lie awake while you're asleep
I listen to the sound of all the words I couldn't say till now

Don't break me
Don't break me down, down, down, down
Don't break me
Are you hearing me now, now, now?
You though I was elastic
But maybe I'm just made of glass
Don't break me
Don't break me down


Ostatnio edytowany przez Sikorka (2020-03-09 10:26:13)




#2 2020-02-15 16:05:13


Un premier amour

Piosenka-ESC: Elle était si jolie
Kraj-ESC: au it fr il es lx pt

Re: AUSTRALIA Montaigne - Don't Break Me

Oj, niestety Australia chce zabłysnąć na Eurowizji gasnącym płomieniem podwędzonym z Bułgarii Krysia Montana raczej nie zrobi w Rotterdamie pięknego bałaganu, ale przynajmniej nie zwymiotuje na nas z wysokości

Ostatnio edytowany przez Kubuniu (2020-02-15 16:09:52)




#3 2020-02-29 14:53:16



Piosenka-ESC: Tu te reconnaîtras
Kraj-ESC: Francja

Re: AUSTRALIA Montaigne - Don't Break Me

Kiedy ktoś Ci powie, że na Eurowizji trzeba zrobić z siebie clowna, a Ty to odczytujesz zbyt dosłownie Nie rozumiem i chyba nie chcę rozumieć, po co ta pani się tak oszpeca i trochę mnie to smuci, bo jej piosenka nawet mi się podoba. Wydaje mi się, że to będzie kolejny dobry rok dla .


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