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Eurowizjanie - Forum miłośników Konkursu Piosenki Eurowizji

#1 2016-02-02 16:22:07


Fly on the Wings of Love

Piosenka-ESC: "Vivre"
Kraj-ESC: Francja
Odznaczenie: WETERAN

RANKING: Sztokholm 2016


Weteranka napisał:

W tym temacie prowadzimy nasze rankingi eurowizyjne dla bieżącej edycji Konkursu. Każdy z uczestników zabawy może napisać tylko 1 post, który będzie jego rankingiem. Posty można edytować i zmieniać dowolnie do czasu pierwszego z konkursów Eurowizji 2012, czyli pierwszego półfinału.
Wspólnie wybraliśmy wzór trzech worków: zielony - najlepsze piosenki,  żółty - średnie piosenki, czerwony - najgorsze piosenki.
Proszę o zachowanie (przynajmniej w podstawie) trzech typów worków oraz ocen lub ich braku, będzie nam później łatwiej stworzyć wspólny ranking forum.

Ranking 2015: http://www.esc.pun.pl/viewtopic.php?id=1127
Ranking 2014: http://www.esc.pun.pl/viewtopic.php?id=1041
Ranking 2013: http://www.esc.pun.pl/viewtopic.php?id=934
Ranking 2012: http://www.esc.pun.pl/viewtopic.php?id=868
Ranking 2011: http://www.esc.pun.pl/viewtopic.php?id=746

01 Eneda Tarifa "Fairytale"
02 Iveta Mukuchyan "LoveWave"
03 Dami Im "Sound of Silence"
04 Zoë "Loin d'ici"
05 Samra "Miracle"
06 Ivan "Help You Fly"
07 Laura Tesoro "What's the Pressure"
08 Dalal & Deen feat. Ana Rucner and Jala "Ljubav je"
09 Poli Genova "If Love Was a Crime"
10 Nina Kraljić "Lighthouse"
11 Minus One "Alter Ego"
12 Gabriela Gunčíková "I Stand"
13 Lighthouse X "Soldiers of Love"
14 Jüri Pootsmann "Play"
15 Sandhja "Sing It Away"
16 Amir "J'ai cherché"
17 Nika Kocharov & Young Georgian Lolitaz "Midnight Gold"
18 Jamie-Lee "Ghost"
19 Argo "Utopian Land"
20 Freddie "Pioneer"
21 Nicky Byrne "Sunlight"
22 Greta Salóme "Hear Them Calling"
23 Hovi Star "Made of Stars"
24 Francesca Michielin "No Degree of Separation"
25 Justs "Heartbeat"
26 Donny Montell "I've Been Waiting for This Night"
27 Kaliopi "Dona"
28 Ira Losco "Walk on Water"
29 Lidia Isac "Falling Stars"
30 Highway "The Real Thing"
31 Douwe Bob "Slow Down"
32 Agnete "Icebreaker"
33 Michał Szpak "Color of Your Life"
34 Sergey Lazarev "You Are the Only One"
35 Serhat "I Didn't Know"
36 Sanja Vučić ZAA "Goodbye (Shelter)"
37 ManuElla "Blue and Red"
38 Barei "Say Yay!"
39 Frans "If I Were Sorry"
40 Rykka "The Last of Our Kind"
41 Joe and Jake "You're Not Alone"
42 Jamala "1944"




#2 2016-03-05 20:09:35


Een Beetje

Piosenka-ESC: Diva
Kraj-ESC: Italia

Re: RANKING: Sztokholm 2016

http://weezywap.xtgem.com/i/i1/lyg.png ZIELONY WOREK

01 Michał Szpak "Color of Your Life" 6/6
02 Sergey Lazarev "You Are the Only One" 6/6
03 Zoë "Loin d'ici" 6/6
04 Poli Genova "If Love Was a Crime" 6/6
05 Minus One "Alter Ego" 6/6
06 Justs "Heartbeat" 6/6
07 Freddie "Pioneer" 5/6
08 Dami Im "Sound of Silence" 5/6
09 Jüri Pootsmann "Play" 4/6
10 Douwe Bob "Slow Down" 4/6
11 Jamie-Lee "Ghost" 4/6
12 Ivan "Help You Fly" 4/6
13 Gabriela Gunčíková "I Stand" 4/6

http://weezywap.xtgem.com/i/i1/lyy.png ŻÓŁTY WOREK

14 Frans "If I Were Sorry" 3/6
15 Nika Kocharov & Young Georgian Lolitaz "Midnight Gold" 3/6
16 Highway "The Real Thing" 3/6
17 Hovi Star "Made of Stars" 3/6
18 Amir "J'ai cherché" 2/6
19 Argo "Utopian Land" 2/6
20 Sandhja "Sing It Away" 2/6
21 Kaliopi "Dona" 2/6
22 Nicky Byrne "Sunlight" 2/6

http://weezywap.xtgem.com/i/i1/lyr.png CZERWONY WOREK

23 Lighthouse X "Soldiers of Love" 1/6
24 Laura Tesoro "What's the Pressure" 1/6
25 Francesca Michielin "No Degree of Separation" 1/6
26 Nina Kraljić "Lighthouse" 1/6
27 Ira Losco "Walk on Water"
28 ManuElla "Blue and Red"
29 Lidia Isac "Falling Stars"
30 Iveta Mukuchyan "LoveWave"
31 Agnete "Icebreaker"
32 Donny Montell "I've Been Waiting for This Night"
33 Samra "Miracle"
34 Sanja Vučić ZAA "Goodbye (Shelter)"
35 Dalal & Deen feat. Ana Rucner and Jala "Ljubav je"
36 Eneda Tarifa "Fairytale"
37 Greta Salóme "Hear Them Calling"
38 Serhat "I Didn't Know"
39 Joe and Jake "You're Not Alone"
40 Barei "Say Yay!"
41 Rykka "The Last of Our Kind"
42 Jamala "1944"

Ostatnio edytowany przez F_o_X (2017-04-21 21:19:20)



#3 2016-03-13 21:41:14



Piosenka-ESC: Tu te reconnaîtras
Kraj-ESC: Francja

Re: RANKING: Sztokholm 2016

worek zielony

Cypr - 5
Estonia - 5

worek żółty

Francja - 4
Łotwa - 4
Ukraina - 4
Czechy - 4
Australia - 4
Włochy - 4
Finlandia - 3
Gruzja - 3
Polska - 2
Macedonia - 2

worek czerwony

Szwecja - 1
Belgia - 1
Grecja - 1
Holandia -
Węgry -
Islandia -
Dania -
Austria -
Izrael -
Mołdawia -
Bułgaria -
Hiszpania -
Niemcy -
Irlandia -
Chorwacja -
Białoruś -
Rosja -
Serbia -
Azerbejdżan -
Albania -
Wielka Brytania -
Słowenia -
Szwajcaria -
Norwegia -
Litwa -
Czarnogóra -
Bośnia i Hercegowina -
Armenia -
San Marino -

Ostatnio edytowany przez Daniel (2016-04-29 07:33:10)



#4 2016-03-13 23:48:09


Fly on the Wings of Love

Piosenka-ESC: "Vivre"
Kraj-ESC: Francja
Odznaczenie: WETERAN

Re: RANKING: Sztokholm 2016

Worek zielony  

01 Dami Im - "Sound of Silence" 6/6
02 Michał Szpak - "Color of Your Life" 6/6
03 Douwe Bob - "Slow Down" 6/6
04 Jüri Pootsmann - "Play" 6/6
05 Gabriela Gunčíková - "I Stand" 6/6
06 Minus One - "Alter Ego" 5/6
07 Hovi Star - "Made of Stars" 4/6
08 Nika Kocharov & Young Georgian Lolitaz - "Midnight Gold" 4/6

Worek żółty

09 Justs - "Heartbeat" 3/6
10 Argo - "Utopian Land" 3/6
11 Amir - "J'ai cherché" 2/6
12 Sandhja - "Sing It Away" 2/6
13 Laura Tesoro - "What's the Pressure" 2/6
14 Kaliopi - "Dona" 2/6
15 Nicky Byrne - "Sunlight" 2/6

Worek czerwony

16 Highway - "The Real Thing" 1/6
17 Francesca Michielin - "No Degree of Separation" 1/6
18 Sergey Lazarev - "You Are the Only One" 1/6
19 Zoë - "Loin d'ici" 1/6
20 Frans - "If I Were Sorry" 1/6
21 Ivan - "Help You Fly" 1/6
22 Freddie - "Pioneer" 1/6
23 Poli Genova - "If Love Was a Crime"
24 Lighthouse X - "Soldiers of Love"
25 Iveta Mukuchyan - "LoveWave"
26 Jamie-Lee - "Ghost"
27 Ira Losco - "Walk on Water"
28 Joe and Jake - "You're Not Alone"
29 ManuElla - "Blue and Red"
30 Serhat - "I Didn't Know"
31 Dalal & Deen feat. Ana Rucner and Jala - "Ljubav je"
32 Lidia Isac - "Falling Stars"
33 Eneda Tarifa - "Fairytale"
34 Sanja Vučić ZAA - "Goodbye (Shelter)"
35 Barei - "Say Yay!"
36 Donny Montell - "I've Been Waiting for This Night"
37 Rykka - "The Last of Our Kind"
38 Agnete - "Icebreaker"
39 Nina Kraljić - "Lighthouse"
40 Samra - "Miracle"
41 Greta Salóme - "Hear Them Calling"
42 Jamala - "1944"




#5 2016-03-19 08:44:03


Take Me to Your Heaven

Piosenka-ESC: Ein Lied Kann Eine Brücke Sein
Kraj-ESC: .de .il .ee
Odznaczenie: WETERAN

Re: RANKING: Sztokholm 2016


01| Australia 6
02| Gruzja 6
03| Holandia 6 +
04| Estonia 5
05| Cypr 5
06| Czechy 5
07| Polska 5 +
08| Izrael 4 +
09| Francja 4 +


10| Grecja 3 +
11| Łotwa 3 +
12| Macedonia 3
13| Węgry 2
14| Belgia 2 -
15| Irlandia 2
16| Włochy 2


17| Rosja 1 -
18| Dania 1
19| Czarnogóra 1
20| Szwecja 1
21| Wielka Brytania
22| Finlandia
23| Bułgaria
24| Austria
25| Litwa
26| Armenia
27| Norwegia
28| Azerbejdżan
29| Serbia
30| Niemcy
31| Białoruś -
32| Bośnia i Hercegowina -
33| Albania -
34| Mołdawia -
35| Chorwacja -
36| Szwajcaria -
37| Słowenia -
38| Malta -
39| Hiszpania -
40| Islandia -
41| San Marino -
42| Ukraina -

Ostatnio edytowany przez SiM (2017-04-21 19:32:27)




#6 2016-04-07 20:40:58


Tu te reconnaîtras

Piosenka-ESC: Kaliopi - Crno i belo

Re: RANKING: Sztokholm 2016

CYPR 4+/6
ROSJA 4+/6

WĘGRY 3+/6


Ostatnio edytowany przez BarthezDezerter (2016-04-08 16:26:24)



#7 2016-04-09 19:08:40



Piosenka-ESC: Diese Welt
Kraj-ESC: Niemcy

Re: RANKING: Sztokholm 2016


01 Minus One "Alter Ego" (6/6)
02 Douwe Bob "Slow Down" (6/6)
03 Nika Kocharov & Young Georgian Lolitaz "Midnight Gold" (6/6)
04 Dami Im "Sound of Silence" (6/6)
05 Michał Szpak "Color of Your Life" (4/6)
06 Jüri Pootsmann "Play" (4/6)
07 Gabriela Gunčíková "I Stand" (4/6)


08 Hovi Star "Made of Stars" (3/6)
09 Amir "J'ai cherché" (2/6)
10 Argo "Utopian Land" (2/6)
11 Kaliopi "Dona" (2/6)
12 Highway "The Real Thing" (2/2)


13 Nicky Byrne "Sunlight" (1/6)
14 Frans "If I Were Sorry" (1/6)
15 Lighthouse X "Soldiers of Love" (1/6)
16 Laura Tesoro "What's the Pressure" (1/6)
17 Freddie "Pioneer" (1/6)
18 Francesca Michielin "No Degree of Separation" ()
19 Justs "Heartbeat" ()
20 Sandhja "Sing It Away" ()
21 Poli Genova "If Love Was a Crime" ()
22 Ivan "Help You Fly" ()
23 Joe and Jake "You're Not Alone" ()
24 Sergey Lazarev "You Are the Only One" ()
25 Ira Losco "Walk on Water" ()
26 Jamie-Lee "Ghost" ()
27 Zoë "Loin d'ici" ()
28 Iveta Mukuchyan "LoveWave" ()
29 Sanja Vučić ZAA "Goodbye (Shelter)" ()
30 Dalal & Deen feat. Ana Rucner and Jala "Ljubav je" ()
31 Lidia Isac "Falling Stars" ()
32 Eneda Tarifa "Fairytale" ()
33 Serhat "I Didn't Know" ()
34 Barei "Say Yay!"  ()
35 Donny Montell "I've Been Waiting for This Night" ()
36 Greta Salóme "Hear Them Calling" ()
37 Nina Kraljić "Lighthouse" ()
38 Samra "Miracle" ()
39 ManuElla "Blue and Red" ()
40 Jamala "1944" ()
41 Rykka "The Last of Our Kind"  ()
42 Agnete "Icebreaker" ()

Ostatnio edytowany przez Kysio (2017-04-21 14:32:40)

Wir sind stark, Wir zwei.



#8 2017-02-25 16:51:21


Net Als Toen

Piosenka-ESC: Ilinca & Alex - Yodel It!
Kraj-ESC: Rumunia

Re: RANKING: Sztokholm 2016

Oficjalny Ranking Eurowizji 2016 wg. Poland'a
Stan na dzień: 22 kwietnia 2017 r. / Oceniono wszystkie konkursowe propozycje
Bez Rumunii:
http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Points/12.png 01. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Austria.gif AUSTRIA: ZÖE - Loin d'ici 6
http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Points/10.png 02. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Norway.gif NORWEGIA: Agnete - Icebreaker 6
http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Points/8.png 03. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Azerbaijan.gif AZERBEJDŻAN: Samra - Miracle 6
http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Points/7.png 04. http://escforum.pl/images/smilies/Slovenia.gif SŁOWENIA: ManuElla - Blue & Red  6 
http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Points/6.png 05.  http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Moldova.gifMOŁDAWIA: Lidia Isac - Falling Stars 6   
http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Points/5.png 06. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Czech%20Republic.gif REPUBLIKA CZESKA: Gabriela Gunčíková - I Stand 6
http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Points/4.png 07. http://escforum.pl/images/smilies/Serbia.gif SERBIA: Sanja Vučić ZAA - Goodbye (Shelter) 5
http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Points/3.png 08. http://www.printableworldflags.com/icon-flags/16/Georgia.png GRUZJA:   Nika Kocharov & Young Georgian Lolitaz - Midnight Gold 5
http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Points/2.png 09. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Belgium.gif  BELGIA: Laura Tesoro - What's the Pressure
http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Points/1.png 10. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Italy.gif WŁOCHY: Francesca Michielin - No Degree of Separation 5  
11. http://escforum.pl/images/smilies/Poland.gif POLSKA: Michał Szpak - Color of Your Life 5   
12. http://escforum.pl/images/smilies/Belarus.gif BIAŁORUŚ: Ivan - Help To Fly 5 
13. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Cyprus.gif CYPR: Minus One - Alter Ego 4
14. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Greece.gif GRECJA: Argo - Utopian Land
15. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/San%20Marino.gif SAN MARINO: Serhat - I didn't know 4
16. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Russia.gif ROSJA: Sergey Lazarev - You are the only one 4
17. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Ireland.gif IRLANDIA: Nicky Byrne - Sunlight 4
18. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Lithuania.gif LITWA: Donny Montell - I've Been Waiting for This Night 4
19. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Bulgaria.gif BUŁGARIA: Poli Genova - If Love Was A Crime 4  
20. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Spain.gif HISZPANIA: Barei - Say Yay! 4   
21. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Finland.gif FINLANDIA: Sandhja - Sing it Away 4
22. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Australia.gif AUSTRALIA: Dami Im - Sound of Silence 3
23. http://escforum.pl/images/smilies/Croatia.gif CHORWACJA: Nina Krajic - Lighthouse 3
24. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Iceland.gifISLANDIA: Greta Salome - Here them Calling 3
25. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Switzerland.gif SZWAJCARIA: Rykka - The Last Of Our Kind  3
26. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Malta.gif MALTA: Ira Losco - Walk on Water 3
27. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Bosnia%20&%20Herzegovina.gifBOŚNIA I HERCEGOWINA: Dalal & Deen ft. Ana Rucner & Jala - Ljubav Je 2
28. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/United%20Kingdom.gif WIELKA BRYTANIA: Joe & Jake - You're not Alone 2
29. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Denmark.gif DANIA: Lighthouse X - Soliders of Love 2
30. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Israel.gif IZRAEL: Hovi Star - Made of Stars
31. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/The%20Netherlands.gif HOLANDIA: Dowue Bob - Slow Down 1   
32. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Sweden.gif SZWECJA: Frans - If I Were Sorry 1
33. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Albania.gif ALBANIA: Eneda Tarifa - Fairytale  (Përrallë) 1
34. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Germany.gif NIEMCY: Jamie-Lee Kriewitz - Ghost  1
35. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Ukraine.gif UKRAINA: Jamala - 1944 1
36. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Armenia.gif ARMENIA: Iveta Mukuchyan - LoveWave 1  
37. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Macedonia.gif MACEDONIA: Kaliopi - Dona 1  
38. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/France.gif FRANCJA: Amir Haddad - J'ai cherché 1  
39. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Latvia.gif ŁOTWA: Justs - Heartbeat 0
40. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Estonia.gif ESTONIA: Jüri Pootsmann - Play 0
41. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Hungary.gif WĘGRY: Freddie - Pionieer 0
42. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Montenegro.gif CZARNOGÓRA: Higway - The Real Thing 0

Z Rumunią:
http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Points/12.png 01. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Austria.gif AUSTRIA: ZÖE - Loin d'ici 6
http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Points/10.png 02. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Norway.gif NORWEGIA: Agnete - Icebreaker 6
http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Points/8.png 03. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Azerbaijan.gif AZERBEJDŻAN: Samra - Miracle 6
http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Points/7.png 04. http://escforum.pl/images/smilies/Slovenia.gif SŁOWENIA: ManuElla - Blue & Red  6 
http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Points/6.png 05.  http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Moldova.gifMOŁDAWIA: Lidia Isac - Falling Stars 6   
http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Points/5.png 06. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Czech%20Republic.gif REPUBLIKA CZESKA: Gabriela Gunčíková - I Stand 6
http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Points/4.png 07. http://escforum.pl/images/smilies/Serbia.gif SERBIA: Sanja Vučić ZAA - Goodbye (Shelter) 5
http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Points/3.png 08. http://www.printableworldflags.com/icon-flags/16/Georgia.png GRUZJA:   Nika Kocharov & Young Georgian Lolitaz - Midnight Gold 5
http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Points/2.png 09. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Belgium.gif  BELGIA: Laura Tesoro - What's the Pressure
http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Points/1.png 10. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Italy.gif WŁOCHY: Francesca Michielin - No Degree of Separation 5  
11. http://escforum.pl/images/smilies/Poland.gif POLSKA: Michał Szpak - Color of Your Life 5   
12. http://escforum.pl/images/smilies/Belarus.gif BIAŁORUŚ: Ivan - Help To Fly 5 
13. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Romania.gif RUMUNIA: Ovidu Anton - Moment of Silence 5
14. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Cyprus.gif CYPR: Minus One - Alter Ego 4
15. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Greece.gif GRECJA: Argo - Utopian Land
16. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/San%20Marino.gif SAN MARINO: Serhat - I didn't know 4
17. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Russia.gif ROSJA: Sergey Lazarev - You are the only one 4
18. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Ireland.gif IRLANDIA: Nicky Byrne - Sunlight 4
19. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Lithuania.gif LITWA: Donny Montell - I've Been Waiting for This Night 4
20. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Bulgaria.gif BUŁGARIA: Poli Genova - If Love Was A Crime 4  
21. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Spain.gif HISZPANIA: Barei - Say Yay! 4    
22. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Finland.gif FINLANDIA: Sandhja - Sing it Away 4
23. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Australia.gif AUSTRALIA: Dami Im - Sound of Silence 3
24. http://escforum.pl/images/smilies/Croatia.gif CHORWACJA: Nina Krajic - Lighthouse 3
25. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Iceland.gifISLANDIA: Greta Salome - Here them Calling 3
26. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Switzerland.gif SZWAJCARIA: Rykka - The Last Of Our Kind  3
27. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Malta.gif MALTA: Ira Losco - Walk on Water 3
28. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Bosnia%20&%20Herzegovina.gifBOŚNIA I HERCEGOWINA: Dalal & Deen ft. Ana Rucner & Jala - Ljubav Je 2
29. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/United%20Kingdom.gif WIELKA BRYTANIA: Joe & Jake - You're not Alone 2
30. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Denmark.gif DANIA: Lighthouse X - Soliders of Love 2
31. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Israel.gif IZRAEL: Hovi Star - Made of Stars
32. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/The%20Netherlands.gif HOLANDIA: Dowue Bob - Slow Down 1   
33. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Sweden.gif SZWECJA: Frans - If I Were Sorry 1
34. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Albania.gif ALBANIA: Eneda Tarifa - Fairytale  (Përrallë) 1
35. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Germany.gif NIEMCY: Jamie-Lee Kriewitz - Ghost  1
36. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Ukraine.gif UKRAINA: Jamala - 1944 1
37. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Armenia.gif ARMENIA: Iveta Mukuchyan - LoveWave 1  
38. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Macedonia.gif MACEDONIA: Kaliopi - Dona 1  
39. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/France.gif FRANCJA: Amir Haddad - J'ai cherché 1  
40. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Latvia.gif ŁOTWA: Justs - Heartbeat 0
41. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Estonia.gif ESTONIA: Jüri Pootsmann - Play 0
42. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Hungary.gif WĘGRY: Freddie - Pionieer 0
43. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Montenegro.gif CZARNOGÓRA: Higway - The Real Thing 0

Ranking Krajowych Eliminacji 2016 wg. Poland'a
Stan na dzień: 25 lutego 2017 r.
http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Points/12d.png 1. http://escforum.pl/images/smilies/Poland.gif POLSKA: Michał  Szpak - Color of Your Life 5
http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Points/10d.png 2. http://escforum.pl/images/smilies/Poland.gif POLSKA Napoli - My Universe 5
http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Points/8d.png 3. http://escforum.pl/images/smilies/Poland.gifPOLSKA Margaret - Cool Me Down 5
http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Points/7b.png 4. http://escforum.pl/images/smilies/Poland.gif POLSKA: Dorota Osińska - Universal 5
http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Points/6b.png 5. http://escforum.pl/images/smilies/Poland.gif POLSKA: Natalia Szroeder - Lustra 4
http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Points/5b.png 6. http://escforum.pl/images/smilies/Poland.gif POLSKA: Kasia Moś - Addiction 3
http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Points/4b.png 7. http://escforum.pl/images/smilies/Poland.gif POLSKA: Aleksandra Gintrowska - Missing 2
http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Points/3b.png 8. http://escforum.pl/images/smilies/Poland.gif POLSKA: Edyta Górniak - Grateful 2  
http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Points/2b.png 9. http://escforum.pl/images/smilies/Poland.gif POLSKA: Taraka - In the Rain 1

- nasza propozycja na Eurowizję
- moje ulubione
- beznadzieja edycji
  - piosenka do której nigdy się nie przekonam
- zacne propozycje
- muzyczny śmietnik

Ostatnio edytowany przez Poland (2017-04-22 19:22:13)

Od ponad 14 lat z Konkursem Piosenki Eurowizji



#9 2017-03-11 00:38:06


Un premier amour

Piosenka-ESC: Elle était si jolie
Kraj-ESC: au it fr il es lx pt

Re: RANKING: Sztokholm 2016


01 Dami Im "Sound of Silence" 6
02 Gabriela Gunčíková "I Stand" 5
03 Michał Szpak "Color of Your Life" 5
04 Jüri Pootsmann "Play" 5
05 Douwe Bob "Slow Down" 5
06 Amir "J'ai cherché" 4
07 Francesca Michielin "No Degree of Separation" 4
08 Minus One "Alter Ego" 4


09 Hovi Star "Made of Stars" 3
10 Kaliopi "Dona" 3
11 Jamie-Lee "Ghost" 3
12 Nika Kocharov & Young Georgian Lolitaz "Midnight Gold" 2
13 Argo "Utopian Land" 2
14 Sandhja "Sing It Away" 2


15 Lighthouse X "Soldiers of Love" 1
16 Nicky Byrne "Sunlight" 1
17 Highway "The Real Thing" 1
18 Frans "If I Were Sorry" 1
19 ManuElla "Blue and Red" 1
20 Zoë "Loin d'ici" 1
21 Laura Tesoro "What's the Pressure"
22 Justs "Heartbeat"
23 Poli Genova "If Love Was a Crime"
24 Freddie "Pioneer"
25 Joe and Jake "You're Not Alone"
26 Ira Losco "Walk on Water"
27 Iveta Mukuchyan "LoveWave"
28 Ivan "Help You Fly"
29 Dalal & Deen feat. Ana Rucner and Jala "Ljubav je"
30 Sanja Vučić ZAA "Goodbye (Shelter)"
31 Agnete "Icebreaker"
32 Lidia Isac "Falling Stars"
33 Samra "Miracle"
34 Barei "Say Yay!"
35 Serhat "I Didn't Know"
36 Greta Salóme "Hear Them Calling"
37 Nina Kraljić "Lighthouse"
38 Eneda Tarifa "Fairytale"
39 Donny Montell "I've Been Waiting for This Night"
40 Rykka "The Last of Our Kind"
41 Sergey Lazarev "You Are the Only One"
42 Jamala "1944"

Ostatnio edytowany przez Kubuniu (2017-04-22 19:49:10)




#10 2017-03-11 01:33:00

 The King

Apres toi

Piosenka-ESC: Let Me Try
Odznaczenie: MODERATOR

Re: RANKING: Sztokholm 2016


01 Michał Szpak - "Color of Your Life" 6
02 Dami Im - "Sound of Silence" 6
03 Minus One - "Alter Ego"
04 Gabriela Gunčíková - "I Stand"
05 Douwe Bob - "Slow Down"
06 Hovi Star - "Made of Stars"
07 Freddie - "Pioneer"
08 Amir - "J'ai cherché"


09 Argo - "Utopian Land"
10 Zoë - "Loin d'ici"
11 Jüri Pootsmann - "Play"
12 Nika Kocharov & Young Georgian Lolitaz - "Midnight Gold"
13 Kaliopi - "Dona"
14 Poli Genova - "If Love Was a Crime"
15 Justs - "Heartbeat"
16 Iveta Mukuchyan - "LoveWave"
17 Laura Tesoro - "What's the Pressure"
18 Sergey Lazarev - "You Are the Only One"
19 Sandhja - "Sing It Away"
20 Frans - "If I Were Sorry"


21 Highway - "The Real Thing"
22 Lighthouse X - "Soldiers of Love"
23 ManuElla - "Blue and Red"
24 Francesca Michielin - "No Degree of Separation"
25 Nicky Byrne - "Sunlight"
26 Jamie-Lee - "Ghost"
27 Lidia Isac - "Falling Stars"
28 Sanja Vučić ZAA - "Goodbye (Shelter)"
29 Ivan - "Help You Fly"
30 Dalal & Deen feat. Ana Rucner and Jala - "Ljubav je"
31 Ira Losco - "Walk on Water"
32 Barei - "Say Yay!"
33 Joe and Jake - "You're Not Alone"
34 Nina Kraljić  - "Lighthouse"
35 Samra - "Miracle"
36 Donny Montell - "I've Been Waiting for This Night"
37 Agnete - "Icebreaker"
38 Greta Salóme - "Hear Them Calling"
39 Serhat – "I Didn't Know"
40 Rykka - "The Last of Our Kind"
41 Eneda Tarifa - "Fairytale"
42 Jamala - "1944"

Ostatnio edytowany przez The King (2017-08-19 10:14:04)



#11 2017-03-12 00:53:44


Merci, Cherie

Piosenka-ESC: Im Wartesaal zum großen Glück
Kraj-ESC: Turcja Australia Izrael
Odznaczenie: WETERAN

Re: RANKING: Sztokholm 2016

Worek zielony

Dami Im - "Sound of Silence" 6
Gabriela Gunčíková - "I Stand" 6
Jüri Pootsmann - "Play" 6
Douwe Bob - "Slow Down" 6
Minus One - "Alter Ego" 5
Argo - "Utopian Land" 5
Michał Szpak - "Color of Your Life" 5
Nika Kocharov & Young Georgian Lolitaz - "Midnight Gold" 4

Worek żółty

Amir - "J'ai cherché" 3
Kaliopi - "Dona" 3
Sandhja - "Sing It Away" 2
Jamie-Lee - "Ghost" 2
Francesca Michielin - "No Degree of Separation" 2

>Worek czerwony

Hovi Star - "Made of Stars" 1
Justs - "Heartbeat" 1
Laura Tesoro - "What's the Pressure" 1
Zoë - "Loin d'ici" 1
Ivan - "Help You Fly" 1
Freddie - "Pioneer" 1
Highway - "The Real Thing" 1
Frans - "If I Were Sorry" 1
Nicky Byrne - "Sunlight" 1
Sergey Lazarev - "You Are the Only One"
Poli Genova - "If Love Was a Crime"
Ira Losco - "Walk on Water"
Iveta Mukuchyan - "LoveWave"
Serhat – "I Didn't Know"
Dalal & Deen feat. Ana Rucner and Jala - "Ljubav je"
Lidia Isac - "Falling Stars"
Lighthouse X - "Soldiers of Love"
Joe and Jake - "You're Not Alone"
Nina Kraljić  - "Lighthouse"
Barei - "Say Yay!"
Eneda Tarifa - "Fairytale"
Sanja Vučić ZAA - "Goodbye (Shelter)"
Samra - "Miracle"
Rykka - "The Last of Our Kind"
Agnete - "Icebreaker"
Donny Montell - "I've Been Waiting for This Night"
ManuElla - "Blue and Red"
Greta Salóme - "Hear Them Calling"
Jamala - "1944"

Ostatnio edytowany przez Schamomilka (2019-09-14 00:16:49)




#12 2017-04-20 20:03:43


Fly on the Wings of Love

Piosenka-ESC: "Vivre"
Kraj-ESC: Francja
Odznaczenie: WETERAN

Re: RANKING: Sztokholm 2016

Podsumowanie rankingu 2016 przed (planowanymi) tegorocznymi edycjami!!! Uwaga - podliczone zostały wyłącznie rankingi powstałe w 2016. Po edycjach postów nastąpi podsumowanie porównawcze (podliczone zostaną wszystkie rankingi edytowane w 2017 i dodane w 2017).

Pierwsze podsumowanie z 2016 20 kwietnia 2017

12 Minus One "Alter Ego"
10 Douwe Bob "Slow Down"
10 Jüri Pootsmann "Play"
09 Dami Im "Sound of Silence"
08 Michał Szpak "Color of Your Life"
08 Gabriela Gunčíková "I Stand"
06 Sergey Lazarev "You Are the Only One"
06 Francesca Michielin "No Degree of Separation"
06 Freddie "Pioneer"
06 Nika Kocharov & Young Georgian Lolitaz "Midnight Gold"
05 Kaliopi "Dona"
05 Nicky Byrne "Sunlight"
05 Argo "Utopian Land"
04 Justs "Heartbeat"
04 Nina Kraljić "Lighthouse"
04 Laura Tesoro "What's the Pressure"
03 Highway "The Real Thing"
03 Amir "J'ai cherché"
03 Sandhja "Sing It Away"
03 Poli Genova "If Love Was a Crime"
03 Ivan "Help You Fly"
02 Hovi Star "Made of Stars"
02 Jamie-Lee "Ghost"
02 Zoë "Loin d'ici"
01 Jamala "1944"
01 Frans "If I Were Sorry"
01 Dalal & Deen feat. Ana Rucner and Jala "Ljubav je"
01 Samra "Miracle"
Joe and Jake "You're Not Alone"
Rykka "The Last of Our Kind"
Barei "Say Yay!"
ManuElla "Blue and Red"
Sanja Vučić ZAA "Goodbye (Shelter)"
Serhat "I Didn't Know"
Agnete "Icebreaker"
Lidia Isac "Falling Stars"
Ira Losco "Walk on Water"
Donny Montell "I've Been Waiting for This Night"
Greta Salóme "Hear Them Calling"
Lighthouse X "Soldiers of Love"
Iveta Mukuchyan "LoveWave"
Eneda Tarifa "Fairytale"

Ciekawostka niska ocena Michał Szpak "Color of Your Life" (2+1+1+1+2+1)

Drugie podsumowanie z 2017 23 kwietnia 2017




#13 2017-04-21 14:42:51



Piosenka-ESC: Just nu!
Kraj-ESC: Skandynawia

Re: RANKING: Sztokholm 2016


1 Douwe Bob, Slow Down
2 Dami Im, Sound of Silence
3 Michał Szpak, Color of Your Life
4 Nika Kocharov & Young Georgian Lolitaz, Midnight Gold
5 Minus One, Alter Ego
6 Jüri Pootsmann, Play


7 Gabriela Gunčíková, I Stand
8 Francesca Michielin, No Degree of Separation
9 Lighthouse X, Soldiers of Love
10 Amir, J'ai cherché
11 Hovi Star, Made of Stars
12 Nicky Byrne, Sunlight
13 Highway, The Real Thing


14 Kaliopi, Dona
15 Frans, If I Were Sorry
16 Argo, Utopian Land
17 Freddie, Pioneer
18 Sandhja, Sing It Away
19 Zoë, Loin d'ici
20 Laura Tesoro, What's the Pressure
21 Justs, Heartbeat
22 Ira Losco, Walk on Water
23 Jamie-Lee, Ghost
24 Joe and Jake, You're Not Alone
25 ManuElla, Blue and Red
26 Poli Genova, If Love Was a Crime
27 Ivan, Help You Fly
28 Iveta Mukuchyan, LoveWave
29 Eneda Tarifa, Fairytale
30 Lidia Isac, Falling Stars
31 Dalal & Deen feat. Ana Rucner and Jala, Ljubav je
32 Serhat, I Didn't Know
33 Sanja Vučić ZAA, Goodbye (Shelter)
34 Nina Kraljić, Lighthouse
35 Barei, Say Yay!
36 Greta Salóme, Hear Them Calling
37 Donny Montell, I've Been Waiting for This Night
38 Sergey Lazarev, You Are the Only One
39 Agnete, Icebreaker
40 Rykka, The Last of Our Kind
41 Samra, Miracle
42 Jamala, 1944

Disco tango à la carte



#14 2017-04-22 10:50:26


Merci, Cherie

Piosenka-ESC: חי

Re: RANKING: Sztokholm 2016

  Worek zielony

1 Dami Im "Sound of Silence"
2 Michał Szpak "Color of Your Life"
3 Gabriela Gunčíková "I Stand"
4 Douwe Bob "Slow Down"
5 Jüri Pootsmann "Play"
6 Frans "If I Were Sorry"
7 Minus One "Alter Ego"

Worek żółty

8 Lighthouse X "Soldiers of Love"
9 Amir "J'ai cherché"
10 Zoë "Loin d'ici"
11 Hovi Star "Made of Stars"
12 Sandhja "Sing It Away"
13 Freddie "Pioneer"
14 Francesca Michielin "No Degree of Separation"
15 Nika Kocharov & Young Georgian Lolitaz "Midnight Gold"

Worek czerwony

16 Kaliopi "Dona"
17 Iveta Mukuchyan "LoveWave"
18 Argo "Utopian Land"
19 Ira Losco "Walk on Water"
20 Poli Genova "If Love Was a Crime"
21 Nicky Byrne "Sunlight"
22 Highway "The Real Thing"
23 Jamie-Lee "Ghost"
24 ManuElla "Blue and Red"
25 Laura Tesoro "What's the Pressure"
26 Justs "Heartbeat"
27 Ivan "Help You Fly"
28 Barei "Say Yay!"
29 Joe and Jake "You're Not Alone"
30 Sergey Lazarev "You Are the Only One"
31 Samra "Miracle"
32 Sanja Vučić ZAA "Goodbye (Shelter)"
33 Dalal & Deen feat. Ana Rucner and Jala "Ljubav je"
34 Donny Montell "I've Been Waiting for This Night"
35 Lidia Isac "Falling Stars"
36 Greta Salóme "Hear Them Calling"
37 Agnete "Icebreaker"
38 Eneda Tarifa "Fairytale"
39 Nina Kraljić "Lighthouse"
40 Rykka "The Last of Our Kind"
41 Serhat "I Didn't Know"
42 Jamala "1944"

Ostatnio edytowany przez Sikorka (2017-08-27 17:32:39)




#15 2017-04-23 21:49:09


Fly on the Wings of Love

Piosenka-ESC: "Vivre"
Kraj-ESC: Francja
Odznaczenie: WETERAN

Re: RANKING: Sztokholm 2016

Drugie podsumowanie z 2017 23 kwietnia 2017

23 Dami Im "Sound of Silence"
20 Michał Szpak "Color of Your Life"
19 Douwe Bob "Slow Down"
19 Minus One "Alter Ego"
17 Gabriela Gunčíková "I Stand"
16 Jüri Pootsmann "Play"
14 Nika Kocharov & Young Georgian Lolitaz "Midnight Gold"
13 Amir "J'ai cherché"
11 Hovi Star "Made of Stars"
08 Argo "Utopian Land"

07 Kaliopi "Dona"
06 Francesca Michielin "No Degree of Separation"
06 Freddie "Pioneer"
06 Sandhja "Sing It Away"
05 Justs "Heartbeat"
04 Frans "If I Were Sorry"
04 Nicky Byrne "Sunlight"
04 Jamie-Lee "Ghost"
04 Zoë "Loin d'ici"
03 Sergey Lazarev "You Are the Only One"
03 Highway "The Real Thing"
03 Poli Genova "If Love Was a Crime"
03 Laura Tesoro "What's the Pressure"
02 Lighthouse X "Soldiers of Love"
02 Ivan "Help You Fly"
01 Iveta Mukuchyan "LoveWave"
Eneda Tarifa "Fairytale"
Samra "Miracle"
Dalal & Deen feat. Ana Rucner and Jala "Ljubav je"
Nina Kraljić "Lighthouse"
Greta Salóme "Hear Them Calling"
Donny Montell "I've Been Waiting for This Night"
Ira Losco "Walk on Water"
Lidia Isac "Falling Stars"
Agnete "Icebreaker"
Serhat "I Didn't Know"
Sanja Vučić ZAA "Goodbye (Shelter)"
ManuElla "Blue and Red"
Barei "Say Yay!"
Rykka "The Last of Our Kind"
Joe and Jake "You're Not Alone"
Jamala "1944"




#16 2017-08-05 01:25:54



Piosenka-ESC: At Va'Ani

Re: RANKING: Sztokholm 2016


01 Dami Im "Sound of Silence"
02 Gabriela Gunčíková "I Stand"
03 Jüri Pootsmann "Play"
04 Nika Kocharov & Young Georgian Lolitaz "Midnight Gold"
05 Douwe Bob "Slow Down"
06 Michał Szpak "Color of Your Life"
07 Minus One "Alter Ego"
08 Hovi Star "Made of Stars"
09 Laura Tesoro "What's the Pressure"
10 Highway "The Real Thing"


11 Francesca Michielin "No Degree of Separation"
12 Frans "If I Were Sorry"
13 Freddie "Pioneer"
14 Amir "J'ai cherché"
15 Sandhja "Sing It Away"
16 Argo "Utopian Land"
17 Lighthouse X "Soldiers of Love"
18 Jamie-Lee "Ghost"
19 Justs "Heartbeat"
20 Zoë "Loin d'ici"
21 Ivan "Help You Fly"
22 Nicky Byrne "Sunlight"
23 Ira Losco "Walk on Water"
24 Iveta Mukuchyan "LoveWave"


25 Poli Genova "If Love Was a Crime"
26 Kaliopi "Dona"
27 Sergey Lazarev "You Are the Only One"
28 ManuElla "Blue and Red"
29 Lidia Isac "Falling Stars"
30 Sanja Vučić ZAA "Goodbye (Shelter)"
31 Greta Salóme "Hear Them Calling"
32 Joe and Jake "You're Not Alone"
33 Dalal & Deen feat. Ana Rucner and Jala "Ljubav je"
34 Eneda Tarifa "Fairytale"
35 Barei "Say Yay!"
36 Serhat "I Didn't Know"
37 Samra "Miracle"
38 Donny Montell "I've Been Waiting for This Night"
39 Nina Kraljić "Lighthouse"
40 Agnete "Icebreaker"
41 Rykka "The Last of Our Kind"
42 Jamala "1944"

Ostatnio edytowany przez Kazuhiko (2017-08-09 23:04:34)

You and me, it sounds stronger than the world!



#17 2017-08-06 14:23:45



Piosenka-ESC: Kinder dieser Welt
Kraj-ESC: Austria

Re: RANKING: Sztokholm 2016


01 Dami Im "Sound of Silence" 6
02 Jüri Pootsmann "Play" 6
03 Gabriela Gunčíková "I Stand" 6
04 Douwe Bob "Slow Down" 6
05 Michał Szpak "Color of Your Life" 5
06 Minus One "Alter Ego" 5
07 Nika Kocharov & Young Georgian Lolitaz "Midnight Gold" 5


08 Highway "The Real Thing" 3
09 Hovi Star "Made of Stars" 3
10 Sandhja "Sing It Away" 3
11 Argo "Utopian Land" 3
12 Lighthouse X "Soldiers of Love" 3
13 Laura Tesoro "What's the Pressure" 2
14 Kaliopi "Dona" 2
15 Amir "J'ai cherché" 2
16 Francesca Michielin "No Degree of Separation" 2


17 Frans "If I Were Sorry" 1
18 Justs "Heartbeat" 1
19 Jamie-Lee "Ghost" 1
20 Nicky Byrne "Sunlight" 1
21 Sergey Lazarev "You Are the Only One" 1
22 Freddie "Pioneer" 1
23 Zoë "Loin d'ici" 1
24 Ivan "Help You Fly" 1
25 Ira Losco "Walk on Water"
26 Poli Genova "If Love Was a Crime"
27 Iveta Mukuchyan "LoveWave"
28 Lidia Isac "Falling Stars"
29 Serhat "I Didn't Know"
30 ManuElla "Blue and Red"
31 Donny Montell "I've Been Waiting for This Night"
32 Barei "Say Yay!"
33 Samra "Miracle"
34 Greta Salóme "Hear Them Calling"
35 Dalal & Deen feat. Ana Rucner and Jala "Ljubav je"
36 Eneda Tarifa "Fairytale"
37 Sanja Vučić ZAA "Goodbye (Shelter)"
38 Agnete "Icebreaker
39 Joe and Jake "You're Not Alone"
40 Nina Kraljić "Lighthouse"
41 Rykka "The Last of Our Kind"
42 Jamala "1944"

Du hast mich so fasziniert...



#18 2017-08-25 12:41:15



Piosenka-ESC: Un premier amour
Kraj-ESC: Francja, Luksemburg, Polska

Re: RANKING: Sztokholm 2016


01| Michał Szpak - Color of Your Life
02| Gabriela Gunčíková - I Stand
03| Jüri Pootsmann - Play
04| Dami Im - Sound of Silence
05| Kaliopi - Dona
06| Douwe Bob - Slow Down


07| Hovi Star - Made of Stars
08| Freddie - Pioneer
09| Amir - J'ai cherché
10| Francesca Michielin - No Degree of Separation
11| Nika Kocharov & Young Georgian Lolitaz - Midnight Gold
12| Argo - Utopian Land
13| Minus One - Alter Ego


14| Frans - If I Were Sorry
15| Nicky Byrne - Sunlight
16| Lighthouse X - Soldiers of Love
17| Ira Losco - Walk on Water
18| Zoë - Loin d'ici
19| Justs - Heartbeat
20| Highway - The Real Thing
21| Sandhja - Sing It Away
22| ManuElla - Blue and Red
23| Laura Tesoro - What's the Pressure
24| Poli Genova - If Love Was a Crime
25| Iveta Mukuchyan - LoveWave
26| Ivan - Help You Fly
27| Jamie-Lee - Ghost
28| Sanja Vučić ZAA - Goodbye (Shelter)
29| Lidia Isac - Falling Stars
30| Sergey Lazarev - You Are the Only One
31| Eneda Tarifa - Fairytale
32| Dalal & Deen feat. Ana Rucner and Jala - Ljubav je
33| Samra - Miracle
34| Donny Montell - I've Been Waiting for This Night
35| Joe and Jake - You're Not Alone
36| Rykka - The Last of Our Kind
37| Greta Salóme - Hear Them Calling
38| Nina Kraljić - Lighthouse
39| Agnete - Icebreaker
40| Barei - Say Yay!
41| Serhat - I Didn't Know
42| Jamala "1944"

Piotr Brzdąkała



#19 2017-08-25 23:11:44



Piosenka-ESC: Yo soy aquél
Kraj-ESC: España

Re: RANKING: Sztokholm 2016


01= Dami Im - Sound of Silence 6
02= Douwe Bob - Slow Down 6
03= Nika Kocharov & Young Georgian Lolitaz - Midnight Gold 6
04= Michał Szpak - Color of Your Life 6
05= Jüri Pootsmann - Play 5
06= Minus One - Alter Ego 5
07= Gabriela Gunčíková - I Stand 4


08= Frans - If I Were Sorry 3
09= Highway - The Real Thing 3
10= Argo - Utopian Land 3
11= Nicky Byrne - Sunlight 3
12= Hovi Star - Made of Stars 2
13= Amir - J'ai cherché 2
14= Sandhja - Sing It Away 2


15= Justs - Heartbeat 1
16= Kaliopi - Dona 1
17= Ivan - Help You Fly 1
18= Lighthouse X - Soldiers of Love 1
19= Zoë - Loin d'ici 1
20= Freddie - Pioneer 1
21= Jamie-Lee - Ghost 1
22= Laura Tesoro - What's the Pressure 1
23= Ira Losco - Walk on Water 1
24= Francesca Michielin - No Degree of Separation 1
25= Sergey Lazarev - You Are the Only One
26= Iveta Mukuchyan - LoveWave
27= Agnete - Icebreaker
28= Lidia Isac - Falling Stars
29= ManuElla - Blue and Red
30= Poli Genova - If Love Was a Crime
31= Serhat - I Didn't Know
32= Donny Montell - I've Been Waiting for This Night
33= Nina Kraljić - Lighthouse
34= Greta Salóme - Hear Them Calling
35= Sanja Vučić ZAA - Goodbye (Shelter)
37= Joe and Jake - You're Not Alone
38= Barei - Say Yay!
39= Eneda Tarifa - Fairytale
42= Dalal & Deen feat. Ana Rucner and Jala - Ljubav je
41= Rykka - The Last of Our Kind
42= Jamala - 1944



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