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#1 2017-03-31 23:12:57

 The King

Apres toi

Piosenka-ESC: Let Me Try
Odznaczenie: MODERATOR

IRLANDIA: Sheeba "Horoscopes"


Muzyka: Jim Kelly
Słowa: Joe Burkett
Miejsce: 5 (105 punktów)
Występ w Dublinie


Rushing for the papers every day
To find out what the stars have got to say
About the fortunes that are on the way
It’s crazy, crazy

Working, not waiting that forever will hold
Success comes from what we do, not from what we’re told
And counting on lucky stars is living on false hopes

Don’t let the planets take control of our lives
Believe in the truth and not celestial lies
It’s we, not the stars above, who write our horoscopes

Virgos and Arians, Leos, Aquarians
Pisces, Cancerians show
No matter when we’re born, Libra or Capricorn
Taureans and Scorpions know

Nothing can change the way we’ve chosen to live
And no one can tell us when to take or to give
It’s we, not the stars above, who write our horoscopes

Yet, in spite of this, when daylight dies
There we are, with eyes turned to the sky
All anxious to be told a few more lies
Still crazy, crazy

Working, not waiting that forever will hold
Success comes from what we do, not from what we’re told
And counting on lucky stars is living on false hopes

Don’t let the planets take control of our lives
Believe in the truth and not celestial lies
It’s we, not the stars above, who write our horoscopes

Throw away almanacs, signs of the Zodiac
When there is sense to be found
They are celestial, we are terrestrial
Let’s keep our feet on the ground

Don’t let the planets take control of our lives
Believe in the truth and not celestial lies
It’s we, not the stars above, who write our horoscopes
It’s we, not the stars above, who write our horoscopes

Sheeba (1977-1984): Maxi, Marion Fossett i Frances Campbell

Ostatnio edytowany przez The King (2017-03-31 23:32:14)


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