Merci, Cherie
Ben Dolic
"Violent Thing"
Muzyka: Borislav Milanov, Peter St. James, Dag Lundberg, Jimmy Thorén, Connor Martin
S³owa: Borislav Milanov, Dag Lundberg
Wersja studyjna:
Benjamin Doliæ (4.05.1997, Ljublana, S³owenia)
Violent Thing
Got that thing that I can't deny
Killing me soft with the big brown eyes
Such a violent thing, would you let me know
Knocking me down like a domino, oh
You know that I'm right here, I'm working on love
I'm waiting on something I need
I think that you, you know
You know what I want
You got me on the edge of my seat
Oh, don't tell your mama what you're doing tonight
Twenty-four hours ago you got that look in your eyes
Don't need your number, 'cause I know you be there
Happen all night and the beat don't lie, we're crystal clear
'Cause if I got you with me tonight
Feeling like I'm feeling tonight
Don't tell your mama
Oh, you're such a violent thing
Oh, you're such a violent thing
Shooting high, we're getting low
Guns and roses all alone
And I wanna hear what you gotta say
But you won't give me no audio, oh
You know that I'm right here, I'm working on love
I'm waiting on something I need
I think that you, you know
You know what I want
You got me on the edge of my seat
Oh, don't tell your mama what you're doing tonight
Twenty-four hours ago you got that look in your eyes
Don't need your number, 'cause I know you be there
Happen all night and the beat don't lie, we're crystal clear
'Cause if I got you with me tonight
Feeling like I'm feeling tonight
Don't tell your mama
Oh, you're such a violent thing
You know that I'm right here, I'm working on love
I'm waiting on something I need
I think that you, you know
You know what I want
You got me on the edge of my seat
Oh, don't tell your mama what you're doing tonight
Twenty-four hours ago you got that look in your eyes
Don't need your number, 'cause I know you be there
Happen all night and the beat don't lie, we're crystal clear
'Cause if I got you with me tonight
Feeling like I'm feeling tonight
Don't tell your mama
Oh, you're such a violent thing
Oh, you're such a violent thing
Don't tell your mama
Oh, you're such a violent thing
Ostatnio edytowany przez Sikorka (2020-03-09 10:33:57)
Fly on the Wings of Love
Bardzo bym nie chcia³a cytowaæ najwybitniejszego polskiego poety i barda, ale doprawdy - jak do tego dosz³o, nie wiem, ¿e wreszcie prezentuj± co¶, po zobaczeniu i wys³uchaniu czego nie ma siê ochoty zwymiotowaæ na ¶mieræ!!! Nie jest to oczywi¶cie poziom ich historycznych ju¿ wystêpów (tego siê ju¿ raczej nie doczekamy, a przynajmniej ja tego nie do¿yjê), lecz ch³opaczek jest tak sympatyczny i tak s³odziutko ¶piewa, i¿ nie sposób go nie lubiæ, a to ju¿ wielki sukces tego¿ w ostatnich latach chyba najbardziej wyzywanego przez nas w kontek¶cie Eurowizji kraj. Oby tak dalej, a mo¿e zapomnimy o ich quasi-muzycznych paskudztwach z ostatnich lat!!!