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Eurowizjanie - Forum miłośników Konkursu Piosenki Eurowizji

#1 2015-03-10 18:08:59



Piosenka-ESC: Diese Welt
Kraj-ESC: Niemcy

RANKING: Wiedeń 2015


Weteranka napisał:

W tym temacie prowadzimy nasze rankingi eurowizyjne dla bieżącej edycji Konkursu. Każdy z uczestników zabawy może napisać tylko 1 post, który będzie jego rankingiem. Posty można edytować i zmieniać dowolnie do czasu pierwszego z konkursów Eurowizji 2012, czyli pierwszego półfinału.
Wspólnie wybraliśmy wzór trzech worków: zielony - najlepsze piosenki,  żółty - średnie piosenki, czerwony - najgorsze piosenki.
Proszę o zachowanie (przynajmniej w podstawie) trzech typów worków oraz ocen lub ich braku, będzie nam później łatwiej stworzyć wspólny ranking forum.

Ranking 2014: http://www.esc.pun.pl/viewtopic.php?id=1041
Ranking 2013: http://www.esc.pun.pl/viewtopic.php?id=934
Ranking 2012: http://www.esc.pun.pl/viewtopic.php?id=868
Ranking 2011: http://www.esc.pun.pl/viewtopic.php?id=746

01 Elhaida Dani - "I'm Alive"
02 Genealogy - "Face the Shadow"
03 Guy Sebastian - "Tonight Again"
04 The Makemakes - "I Am Yours"
05 Elnur Huseynov - "Hour of the Wolf"
06 Uzari & Maimuna - "Time"
07 Loïc Nottet - "Rhythm Inside"
08 John Karayiannis - "One Thing I Should Have Done"
09 Marta Jandová & Václav Noid Bárta - "Hope Never Dies"
10 Anti Social Media - "The Way You Are"
11 Elina Born & Stig Rästa - "Goodbye to Yesterday"
12 Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät - "Aina mun pitää"
13 Lisa Angell - "N'oubliez pas"
14 Nina Sublatti - "Warrior"
15 Ann Sophie - "Black Smoke"
16 Maria Elena Kyriakou - "One Last Breath"
17 Boggie - "Wars for Nothing"
18 Molly Sterling - "Playing with Numbers"
19 Maria Olafs - "Unbroken"
20 Nadav Guedj - "Golden Boy"
21 Il Volo - "Grande amore"
22 Aminata - "Love Injected"
23 Monika Linkytė & Vaidas Baumila - "This Time"
24 Daniel Kajmakoski - "Autumn Leaves"
25 Amber - "Warrior"
26 Eduard Romanyuta - "I Want Your Love"
27 Knez - "Adio"
28 Trijntje Oosterhuis - "Walk Along"
29 Mørland & Debrah Scarlett - "A Monster Like Me"
30 Monika Kuszyńska - "In the Name of Love"
31 Leonor Andrade - "Há um mar que nos separa"
32 Voltaj - "De la capăt"
33 Polina Gagarina - "A Million Voices"
34 Anita Simoncini & Michele Perniola - "Chain of Lights"
35 Bojana Stamenov - "Beauty Never Lies"
36 Maraaya - "Here for You"
37 Edurne - "Amanecer"
38 Måns Zelmerlöw - "Heroes"
39 Mélanie René - "Time to Shine"
40 Electro Velvet - "Still in Love with You"

Listę i podsumowanie przygotował Kysio

Wir sind stark, Wir zwei.



#2 2015-03-10 19:29:02



Piosenka-ESC: Tu te reconnaîtras
Kraj-ESC: Francja

Re: RANKING: Wiedeń 2015


Czechy 4
Belgia 4
Norwegia 4


Czarnogóra 3
Łotwa 3
Azerbejdżan 3
Francja 3
Islandia 3
Izrael 3
Szwecja 3
Cypr 3
Austria 3
Niemcy 2
Polska 2
Estonia 2
Hiszpania 2
Litwa 2
Irlandia 2


Albania 1
Malta 1
Słowenia 1
Gruzja 1
Dania 1
Wielka Brytania 1
Holandia 1
San Marino

Ostatnio edytowany przez Daniel (2015-04-27 03:21:03)



#3 2015-03-12 20:49:21


Fly on the Wings of Love

Piosenka-ESC: "Vivre"
Kraj-ESC: Francja
Odznaczenie: WETERAN

Re: RANKING: Wiedeń 2015


01 Il Volo - "Grande amore"
02 Guy Sebastian - "Tonight Again"
03 Nadav Guedj - "Golden Boy"
04 Elnur Huseynov - "Hour of the Wolf"
05 Marta Jandová & Václav Noid Bárta - "Hope Never Dies" 5/6
06 Uzari & Maimuna - "Time" 4/6
07 Loïc Nottet - "Rhythm Inside" 4/6


08 Lisa Angell - "N'oubliez pas" 3/6
09 Knez - "Adio" 3/6
10 Måns Zelmerlöw - "Heroes"
11 Maraaya - "Here for You" 2/6
12 Monika Kuszyńska - "In the Name of Love" 2/6
13 Elina Born & Stig Rästa - "Goodbye to Yesterday" 2/6
14 Mørland & Debrah Scarlett - "A Monster Like Me" 2/6


15 The Makemakes - "I Am Yours" 1/6
16 Leonor Andrade - "Há um mar que nos separa" 1/6
17 Edurne - "Amanecer" 1/6
18 Ann Sophie - "Black Smoke" 1/6
19 Voltaj - "De la capăt" 1/6
20 Electro Velvet - "Still in Love with You"
21 Molly Sterling - "Playing with Numbers"
22 John Karayiannis - "One Thing I Should Have Done"
23 Nina Sublatti - "Warrior"
24 Anti Social Media - "The Way You Are"
25 Elhaida Dani - "I'm Alive"
26 Maria Elena Kyriakou - "One Last Breath"
27 Mélanie René - "Time to Shine"
28 Daniel Kajmakoski - "Autumn Leaves"
29 Amber - "Warrior"
30 Monika Linkytė & Vaidas Baumila - "This Time"
31 Anita Simoncini & Michele Perniola - "Chain of Lights"
32 Trijntje Oosterhuis - "Walk Along"
33 Genealogy - "Face the Shadow"
34 Boggie - "Wars for Nothing"
35 Maria Olafs - "Unbroken"
36 Eduard Romanyuta - "I Want Your Love"
37 Bojana Stamenov - "Beauty Never Lies"
38 Aminata - "Love Injected"
39 Polina Gagarina - "A Million Voices"
40 Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät - "Aina mun pitää"




#4 2015-03-22 13:37:45


Een Beetje

Piosenka-ESC: Diva
Kraj-ESC: Italia

Re: RANKING: Wiedeń 2015

http://weezywap.xtgem.com/i/i1/lyg.png ZIELONY WOREK

01 Måns Zelmerlöw - "Heroes" 6/6
02 Elina Born & Stig Rästa - "Goodbye to Yesterday" 6/6
03 Guy Sebastian - "Tonight Again" 6/6
04 Lisa Angell - "N'oubliez pas" 6/6
05 Marta Jandová & Václav Noid Bárta - "Hope Never Dies" 6/6
06 Il Volo - "Grande amore" 6/6
07 Nadav Guedj - "Golden Boy" 5/6
08 Loïc Nottet - "Rhythm Inside" 5/6
09 Uzari & Maimuna - "Time" 5/6
10 Mørland & Debrah Scarlett - "A Monster Like Me" 5/6
11 Polina Gagarina - "A Million Voices" 4/6

http://weezywap.xtgem.com/i/i1/lyy.png ŻÓŁTY WOREK

12 Voltaj - "De la capăt" 3/6
13 Edurne - "Amanecer" 3/6
14 Elhaida Dani - "I'm Alive" 3/6
15 Maraaya - "Here for You" 3/6
16 Ann Sophie - "Black Smoke" 3/6
17 The Makemakes - "I Am Yours"
18 Electro Velvet - "Still in Love with You"
19 Leonor Andrade - "Há um mar que nos separa"
20 Knez - "Adio"

http://weezywap.xtgem.com/i/i1/lyr.png CZERWONY WOREK

21 Nina Sublatti - "Warrior" 1/6
22 Anti Social Media - "The Way You Are" 1/6
23 Genealogy - "Face the Shadow" 1/6
24 Molly Sterling - "Playing with Numbers" 1/6
25 Maria Elena Kyriakou - "One Last Breath" 1/6
26 Monika Kuszyńska - "In the Name of Love" 1/6
27  Elnur Huseynov - "Hour of the Wolf" 1/6
28 Anita Simoncini & Michele Perniola - "Chain of Lights" 1/6
29 John Karayiannis - "One Thing I Should Have Done"
30 Amber - "Warrior"
31 Monika Linkytė & Vaidas Baumila - "This Time"
32 Eduard Romanyuta - "I Want Your Love"
33 Daniel Kajmakoski - "Autumn Leaves"
34 Maria Olafs - "Unbroken"
35 Mélanie René - "Time to Shine"
36 Trijntje Oosterhuis - "Walk Along"
37 Bojana Stamenov - "Beauty Never Lies"
38 Aminata - "Love Injected"
39 Boggie - "Wars for Nothing"
40 Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät - "Aina mun pitää"

Ostatnio edytowany przez F_o_X (2017-04-23 21:16:54)



#5 2015-03-22 14:40:22


Tu te reconnaîtras

Piosenka-ESC: Kaliopi - Crno i belo

Re: RANKING: Wiedeń 2015




Ostatnio edytowany przez BarthezDezerter (2015-03-22 20:01:13)



#6 2015-03-22 18:53:16


Take Me to Your Heaven

Piosenka-ESC: Ein Lied Kann Eine Brücke Sein
Kraj-ESC: .de .il .ee
Odznaczenie: WETERAN

Re: RANKING: Wiedeń 2015

01| Włochy 6 +
02| Belgia 5 +
03| Australia 5 +
04| Izrael 5
05| Szwecja 5
06| Czechy 4 -
07| Azerbejdżan 4 -
08| Francja 4 +
09| Rumunia 4

10| Austria 3 -
11| Czarnogóra 3
12| Polska 3 -
13| Białoruś 3 -
14| Estonia 2 +
15| Grecja 2
16| Słowenia 2 -
17| Hiszpania 2 -

18| Niemcy 1 +
19| Norwegia 1
20| Portugalia 1 +
21| Rosja 1
22| Szwajcaria 1 +
23| Albania 1 -
24| Irlandia 1 -
25| Wielka Brytania
26| Gruzja
27| San Marino
28| Cypr -
29| Węgry -
30| Malta
31| Holandia -
32| Litwa -
33| Dania
34| Mołdawia -
35| Islandia -
36| Macedonia -
37| Armenia -
38| Łotwa -
39| Serbia -
40| Finlandia -

Ostatnio edytowany przez SiM (2017-04-22 12:53:12)




#7 2015-04-11 20:17:49


Net Als Toen

Piosenka-ESC: Ilinca & Alex - Yodel It!
Kraj-ESC: Rumunia

Re: RANKING: Wiedeń 2015

Oficjalny Ranking Eurowizji 2015 wg. Poland'a
Stan na dzień: 22 kwietnia 2016 r. / Oceniono wszystkie konkursowe państwa
http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Points/12.png 01. http://escforum.pl/images/smilies/Poland.gif POLSKA: Monika Kuszyńska - In the name of love (Obudź się i żyj) 6    
http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Points/10.png 02. http://escforum.pl/images/smilies/Greece.gif GRECJA: Maria-Elena Kyriakou - One Last Breath 6   
http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Points/8.png 03. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Switzerland.gif SZWAJCARIA: Mélanie René - Time to Shine 6
http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Points/7.png 04. http://escforum.pl/images/smilies/Russia.gif ROSJA: Polina Gagarina - A Milion Voices 6 
http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Points/6.png 05. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Armenia.gif ARMENIA: Genealogy - Face The Shadow (Don't Deny) 6 
http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Points/5.png 06. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Czech%20Republic.gif REPUBLIKA CZESKA:Marta Jandová & Václav Noid Barta - Hope Never Dies 6 
http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Points/4.png 07. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/San%20Marino.gif SAN MARINO: Michele Perniola & Anita Simonci - Chain of Lights 6
http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Points/5.png 08. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Slovenia.gif SŁOWENIA: Maaraya - Here for You 6 
http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Points/2.png 09. http://escforum.pl/images/smilies/Italy.gif WŁOCHY: Il Volo - Grande Amore 6
http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Points/1.png 10. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Israel.gif IZRAEL: Nadav Guedj - Golden Boy 6
11. http://escforum.pl/images/smilies/Montenegro.gif CZARNOGÓRA: Knez - Adio 5 
12. http://escforum.pl/images/smilies/Belarus.gif BIAŁORUŚ: Uzari & Maimuna - Time 5
13. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/United%20Kingdom.gif WIELKA BRYTANIA: Black Velvet - Still In Love With You 4
14. http://escforum.pl/images/smilies/Spain.gif HISZPANIA: Edurne - Amanecer 4
15. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/The%20Netherlands.gif HOLANDIA: Trijntje Oosterhuis - Walk Along 4
16. http://escforum.pl/images/smilies/France.gif FRANCJA: Lisa Angell - N'oubliez Pas 4 
17. http://escforum.pl/images/smilies/Germany.gif NIEMCY: Ann Sophie - Black Smoke 4
18. http://escforum.pl/images/smilies/Iceland.gif ISLANDIA: María Ólafsdóttir - Unbroken 4
19. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Albania.gif ALBANIA: Elhaida Dani - I'm Alive 4
20. http://escforum.pl/images/smilies/Malta.gif MALTA: Amber - Warrior 4
21. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Georgia.gif GRUZJA: Nina Sublatti - Warrior 4 
22. http://escforum.pl/images/smilies/Serbia.gif SERBIA: Bojana Stamenov - Beauty Never Lies (Ceo Svet je moj) 4
23. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Denmark.gif DANIA: Anti Social Media - The way you are 4   
24. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Australia.gif AUSTRALIA:Guy Sebastian - Tonight Again  4
25. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Moldova.gif MOŁDAWIA: Eduard Romanyuta - I Want Your Love 4
26. http://escforum.pl/images/smilies/Sweden.gif SZWECJA: Mans Zelmeröw - Heroes 4
27. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Cyprus.gif CYPR: Giannis Karagiannis - One Thing I Should Have Done 3
28. http://escforum.pl/images/smilies/Azerbaijan.gif AZERBEJDŻAN: Elnur Huseynov - Hour of The Wolf 3
29. http://escforum.pl/images/smilies/Lithuania.gif LITWA: Monika & Vaidas - This Time 2
30. http://escforum.pl/images/smilies/Estonia.gif ESTONIA: Elina Born & Stig Rästa - Goodbye to Yesterday 2
31. http://escforum.pl/images/smilies/Norway.gif NORWEGIA: Mørland & Deborah Scarlett - A Monster Like Me 1
32. http://escforum.pl/images/smilies/Hungary.gif WĘGRY: Boogie - Wars for Nothing 1 
33. http://escforum.pl/images/smilies/Ireland.gif IRLANDIA: Molly Sterling - Playing with numbers 1 
34. http://escforum.pl/images/smilies/Latvia.gif ŁOTWA: Aminata - Love Injected 1   
35. http://escforum.pl/images/smilies/Portugal.gif PORTUGALIA: Leonor Andrade - Há um mar que nos separa  0
36. http://escforum.pl/images/smilies/Romania.gif RUMUNIA: Voltaj - De la capat (All over again) 0 
37. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Macedonia.gif BYŁA JUGOSŁAWIAŃSKA REPUBLIKA MACEDONII: Daniel Kajmakoski - Autumn Leaves (Lisja Esenski) 0
38. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Belgium.gif BELGIA: Loic Nottet - Rhythm Inside 0
39. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Austria.gif AUSTRIA: The Makemakes - I Am Yours 0
40. http://www.escforum.net/img/Smileys/Flags/Finland.gif FINLANDIA: Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät - Aina Mun Pitää  -1 twarde

  - nasza propozycja na Eurowizję
- moje ulubione
- beznadzieja edycji
  - piosenka do której nigdy się nie przekonam
- zacne propozycje
- muzyczny śmietnik

Ostatnio edytowany przez Poland (2017-04-22 18:00:23)

Od ponad 14 lat z Konkursem Piosenki Eurowizji



#8 2017-03-12 01:21:56


Merci, Cherie

Piosenka-ESC: Im Wartesaal zum großen Glück
Kraj-ESC: Turcja Australia Izrael
Odznaczenie: WETERAN

Re: RANKING: Wiedeń 2015

Worek zielony

Guy Sebastian - "Tonight Again" 6
Il Volo - "Grande amore" 6
Elnur Huseynov - "Hour of the Wolf" 4
Elina Born & Stig Rästa - "Goodbye to Yesterday" 4
Uzari & Maimuna - "Time" 4

Worek żółty

Nadav Guedj - "Golden Boy" 3
Måns Zelmerlöw - "Heroes" 3
Loïc Nottet - "Rhythm Inside" 3
Marta Jandová & Václav Noid Bárta - "Hope Never Dies" 3
Mørland & Debrah Scarlett - "A Monster Like Me" 3
Lisa Angell - "N'oubliez pas" 2
Knez - "Adio" 2
Monika Kuszyńska - "In the Name of Love" 2
Maraaya - "Here for You" 2

>Worek czerwony

The Makemakes - "I Am Yours" 1
Electro Velvet - "Still in Love with You" 1
Ann Sophie - "Black Smoke" 1
John Karayiannis - "One Thing I Should Have Done" 1
Leonor Andrade - "Há um mar que nos separa" 1
Molly Sterling - "Playing with Numbers" 1
Anti Social Media - "The Way You Are"
Maria Elena Kyriakou - "One Last Breath"
Edurne - "Amanecer"
Nina Sublatti - "Warrior"
Voltaj - "De la capăt"
Daniel Kajmakoski - "Autumn Leaves"
Maria Olafs - "Unbroken"
Amber - "Warrior"
Elhaida Dani - "I'm Alive"
Mélanie René - "Time to Shine"
Genealogy - "Face the Shadow"
Trijntje Oosterhuis - "Walk Along"
Polina Gagarina - "A Million Voices"
Anita Simoncini & Michele Perniola - "Chain of Lights"
Eduard Romanyuta - "I Want Your Love"
Monika Linkytė & Vaidas Baumila - "This Time"
Boggie - "Wars for Nothing"
Aminata - "Love Injected"
Bojana Stamenov - "Beauty Never Lies"
Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät - "Aina mun pitää"

Ostatnio edytowany przez Schamomilka (2019-09-14 00:26:42)




#9 2017-04-21 16:10:30


Fly on the Wings of Love

Piosenka-ESC: "Vivre"
Kraj-ESC: Francja
Odznaczenie: WETERAN

Re: RANKING: Wiedeń 2015

Podsumowanie rankingu 2015 przed (planowanymi) tegorocznymi edycjami!!! Uwaga - podliczone zostały wyłącznie rankingi powstałe w 2015. Po edycjach postów nastąpi podsumowanie porównawcze (podliczone zostaną wszystkie rankingi edytowane w 2017 i dodane w 2017).

Pierwsze podsumowanie z 2015 21 kwietnia 2017

09 Marta Jandová & Václav Noid Bárta - "Hope Never Dies"
09 Nadav Guedj - "Golden Boy"
06 Il Volo - "Grande amore"
06 Uzari & Maimuna - "Time"
06 Elnur Huseynov - "Hour of the Wolf"
05 The Makemakes - "I Am Yours"
05 Måns Zelmerlöw - "Heroes"
05 Mørland & Debrah Scarlett - "A Monster Like Me"
05 Knez - "Adio"
05 Loïc Nottet - "Rhythm Inside"
04 Edurne - "Amanecer"
04 Maraaya - "Here for You"
04 Voltaj - "De la capăt"
04 Monika Kuszyńska - "In the Name of Love"
03 Lisa Angell - "N'oubliez pas"
03 John Karayiannis - "One Thing I Should Have Done"
03 Guy Sebastian - "Tonight Again"
02 Electro Velvet - "Still in Love with You"
02 Anita Simoncini & Michele Perniola - "Chain of Lights"
02 Monika Linkytė & Vaidas Baumila - "This Time"
02 Ann Sophie - "Black Smoke"
02 Elina Born & Stig Rästa - "Goodbye to Yesterday"
01 Leonor Andrade - "Há um mar que nos separa"
01 Trijntje Oosterhuis - "Walk Along"
01 Amber - "Warrior"
01 Aminata - "Love Injected"
01 Maria Olafs - "Unbroken"
01 Molly Sterling - "Playing with Numbers"
01 Maria Elena Kyriakou - "One Last Breath"
01 Elhaida Dani - "I'm Alive"
Mélanie René - "Time to Shine"
Bojana Stamenov - "Beauty Never Lies"
Polina Gagarina - "A Million Voices"
Eduard Romanyuta - "I Want Your Love"
Daniel Kajmakoski - "Autumn Leaves"
Boggie - "Wars for Nothing"
Nina Sublatti - "Warrior"
Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät - "Aina mun pitää"
Anti Social Media - "The Way You Are"
Genealogy - "Face the Shadow"

Ciekawostka Ponad połowa piosenka otrzymała pozytywne noty!!!

Drugie podsumowanie z 2017 19 maja 2017




#10 2017-04-22 11:36:08


Merci, Cherie

Piosenka-ESC: חי

Re: RANKING: Wiedeń 2015

  Worek zielony

1 Guy Sebastian - "Tonight Again"
2 Loïc Nottet - "Rhythm Inside"
3 Il Volo - "Grande amore"
4 Mørland & Debrah Scarlett - "A Monster Like Me"
5 Marta Jandová & Václav Noid Bárta - "Hope Never Dies"
6 Nadav Guedj - "Golden Boy"
7 Elina Born & Stig Rästa - "Goodbye to Yesterday"
8 Knez - "Adio"
9 Elnur Huseynov - "Hour of the Wolf"
10 Molly Sterling - "Playing with Numbers"

Worek żółty

11 Monika Kuszyńska - "In the Name of Love"
12 Lisa Angell - "N'oubliez pas"
13 Leonor Andrade - "Há um mar que nos separa"
14 Uzari & Maimuna - "Time"
15 Voltaj - "De la capăt"
16 Edurne - "Amanecer"
17 Måns Zelmerlöw - "Heroes"
18 The Makemakes - "I Am Yours"

Worek czerwony

19 Nina Sublatti - "Warrior"
20 Ann Sophie - "Black Smoke"
21 Anti Social Media - "The Way You Are"
22 Electro Velvet - "Still in Love with You"
23 Maraaya - "Here for You"
24 John Karayiannis - "One Thing I Should Have Done"
25 Elhaida Dani - "I'm Alive"
26 Trijntje Oosterhuis - "Walk Along"
27 Maria Elena Kyriakou - "One Last Breath"
28 Amber - "Warrior"
29 Mélanie René - "Time to Shine"
30 Monika Linkytė & Vaidas Baumila - "This Time"
31 Boggie - "Wars for Nothing"
32 Aminata - "Love Injected"
33 Maria Olafs - "Unbroken"
34 Daniel Kajmakoski - "Autumn Leaves"
35 Polina Gagarina - "A Million Voices"
36 Genealogy - "Face the Shadow"
37 Anita Simoncini & Michele Perniola - "Chain of Lights"
38 Bojana Stamenov - "Beauty Never Lies"
39 Eduard Romanyuta - "I Want Your Love"
40 Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät - "Aina mun pitää"

Ostatnio edytowany przez Sikorka (2017-08-27 17:28:43)




#11 2017-04-22 21:19:32


Un premier amour

Piosenka-ESC: Elle était si jolie
Kraj-ESC: au it fr il es lx pt

Re: RANKING: Wiedeń 2015


01 Guy Sebastian - "Tonight Again" 6
02 Il Volo - "Grande amore" 6
03 Lisa Angell - "N'oubliez pas" 5
04 Marta Jandová & Václav Noid Bárta - "Hope Never Dies" 4
05 Mørland & Debrah Scarlett - "A Monster Like Me" 4


06 Elnur Huseynov - "Hour of the Wolf" 3
07 Loïc Nottet - "Rhythm Inside" 3
08 Nadav Guedj - "Golden Boy" 3
09 Elina Born & Stig Rästa - "Goodbye to Yesterday" 2
10 The Makemakes - "I Am Yours" 2
11 Molly Sterling - "Playing with Numbers" 2
12 Måns Zelmerlöw - "Heroes" 2
13 Knez - "Adio" 2
14 Monika Kuszyńska - "In the Name of Love" 2
15 Uzari & Maimuna - "Time" 2


16 Anti Social Media - "The Way You Are" 1
17 Ann Sophie - "Black Smoke" 1
18 Leonor Andrade - "Há um mar que nos separa" 1
19 Maraaya - "Here for You" 1
20 Electro Velvet - "Still in Love with You"
21 Edurne - "Amanecer"
22 Voltaj - "De la capăt"
23 Maria Elena Kyriakou - "One Last Breath"
24 John Karayiannis - "One Thing I Should Have Done"
25 Elhaida Dani - "I'm Alive"
26 Nina Sublatti - "Warrior"
27 Mélanie René - "Time to Shine"
28 Trijntje Oosterhuis - "Walk Along"
29 Monika Linkytė & Vaidas Baumila - "This Time"
30 Daniel Kajmakoski - "Autumn Leaves"
31 Boggie - "Wars for Nothing"
32 Bojana Stamenov - "Beauty Never Lies"
33 Maria Olafs - "Unbroken"
34 Amber - "Warrior"
35 Genealogy - "Face the Shadow"
36 Eduard Romanyuta - "I Want Your Love"
37 Aminata - "Love Injected"
38 Anita Simoncini & Michele Perniola - "Chain of Lights"
39 Polina Gagarina - "A Million Voices"
40 Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät - "Aina mun pitää"




#12 2017-04-24 18:52:09



Piosenka-ESC: Just nu!
Kraj-ESC: Skandynawia

Re: RANKING: Wiedeń 2015


1 Guy Sebastian, Tonight Again
2 Mørland & Debrah Scarlett, A Monster Like Me
3 Il Volo, Grande amore
4 Molly Sterling, Playing with Numbers
5 Elina Born & Stig Rästa, Goodbye to Yesterday


6 Loïc Nottet, Rhythm Inside
7 Elnur Huseynov, Hour of the Wolf
8 The Makemakes, I Am Yours
9 Lisa Angell, N'oubliez pas
10 Knez, Adio
11 Måns Zelmerlöw, Heroes
12 Nadav Guedj, Golden Boy
13 Monika Kuszyńska, In the Name of Love


14 Marta Jandová & Václav Noid Bárta, Hope Never Dies
15 Anti Social Media, The Way You Are
16 Electro Velvet, Still in Love with You
17 Uzari & Maimuna, Time
18 Voltaj, De la capăt
19 Ann Sophie, Black Smoke
20 Leonor Andrade, Há um mar que nos separa
21 Elhaida Dani, I'm Alive"
22 Maraaya, Here for You
23 Edurne, Amanecer
24 John Karayiannis, One Thing I Should Have Done
25 Nina Sublatti, Warrior
26 Trijntje Oosterhuis, Walk Along
27 Maria Elena Kyriakou, One Last Breath
28 Aminata, Love Injected
29 Polina Gagarina, A Million Voices
30 Amber, Warrior
31 Mélanie René, Time to Shine
32 Boggie, Wars for Nothing
33 Monika Linkytė & Vaidas Baumila, This Time
34 Genealogy, Face the Shadow
35 Maria Olafs, Unbroken
36 Anita Simoncini & Michele Perniola, Chain of Lights
37 Daniel Kajmakoski, Autumn Leaves
38 Eduard Romanyuta, I Want Your Love
39 Bojana Stamenov, Beauty Never Lies
40 Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät, Aina mun pitää

Ostatnio edytowany przez Artur (2017-08-11 12:45:53)

Disco tango à la carte



#13 2017-04-26 09:23:17



Piosenka-ESC: Diese Welt
Kraj-ESC: Niemcy

Re: RANKING: Wiedeń 2015


01 Guy Sebastian - "Tonight Again" (6/6)
02 Loïc Nottet - "Rhythm Inside" (5/6)
03 Il Volo - "Grande amore" (5/6)
04 Nadav Guedj - "Golden Boy" (4/6)


05 Mørland & Debrah Scarlett - "A Monster Like Me" (3/6)
06 Marta Jandová & Václav Noid Bárta - "Hope Never Dies" (3/6)
07 The Makemakes - "I Am Yours" (3/6)
08 Elnur Huseynov - "Hour of the Wolf" (3/6)
09 Elina Born & Stig Rästa - "Goodbye to Yesterday" (2/6)
10 Uzari & Maimuna - "Time" (2/6)
11 Electro Velvet - "Still in Love with You" (2/6)
12 Lisa Angell - "N'oubliez pas" (2/6)
13 Knez - "Adio" (2/6)
14 Måns Zelmerlöw - "Heroes" (2/6)


15 Voltaj - "De la capăt" (1/6)
16 Monika Kuszyńska - "In the Name of Love" (1/6)
17 Eduard Romanyuta - "I Want Your Love" (1/6)
18 Molly Sterling - "Playing with Numbers" (1/6)
19 Ann Sophie - "Black Smoke" (1/6)
20 Maraaya - "Here for You" (1/6)
21 Anti Social Media - "The Way You Are" ()
22 Leonor Andrade - "Há um mar que nos separa" ()
23 Nina Sublatti - "Warrior" ()
24 Maria Elena Kyriakou - "One Last Breath" ()
25 John Karayiannis - "One Thing I Should Have Done" ()
26 Edurne - "Amanecer" ()
27 Polina Gagarina - "A Million Voices" ()
28 Amber - "Warrior" ()
29 Trijntje Oosterhuis - "Walk Along"  ()
30 Monika Linkytė & Vaidas Baumila - "This Time" ()
31 Mélanie René - "Time to Shine" ()
32 Elhaida Dani - "I'm Alive" ()
33 Daniel Kajmakoski - "Autumn Leaves" ()
34 Maria Olafs - "Unbroken" ()
35 Anita Simoncini & Michele Perniola - "Chain of Lights"
36 Aminata - "Love Injected" ()
37 Genealogy - "Face the Shadow" ()
38 Boggie - "Wars for Nothing"  ()
39 Bojana Stamenov - "Beauty Never Lies" ()
40 Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät - "Aina mun pitää" ()

Ostatnio edytowany przez Kysio (2017-09-02 13:05:05)

Wir sind stark, Wir zwei.



#14 2017-09-04 13:43:21



Piosenka-ESC: Yo soy aquél
Kraj-ESC: España

Re: RANKING: Wiedeń 2015


01= Guy Sebastian - Tonight Again 6
02= The Makemakes - I Am Yours 5
03= Nadav Guedj - Golden Boy 5
04= Loïc Nottet - Rhythm Inside 5
05= Edurne - Amanecer 4
06= Il Volo - Grande amore 4
07= Mørland & Debrah Scarlett - A Monster Like Me 4
08= Uzari & Maimuna - Time 4
09= Voltaj - De la capăt 4
10= Elina Born & Stig Rästa - Goodbye to Yesterday 4


11= Knez - Adio 3
12= Monika Kuszyńska - In the Name of Love 3
13= Leonor Andrade - Há um mar que nos separa 3
14= Marta Jandová & Václav Noid Bárta - Hope Never Dies 3
15= Elnur Huseynov - Hour of the Wolf 3
16= Maraaya - Here for You 2
17= Måns Zelmerlöw - Heroes 2
18= Ann Sophie - Black Smoke 2


19= Electro Velvet - Still in Love with You 1
20= Maria Elena Kyriakou - One Last Breath 1
21= Lisa Angell - N'oubliez pas 1
22= Molly Sterling - Playing with Numbers 1
23= Nina Sublatti - Warrior 1
24= Genealogy - Face the Shadow
25= Elhaida Dani - I'm Alive
26= Trijntje Oosterhuis - Walk Along
27= Eduard Romanyuta - I Want Your Love
28= Anti Social Media - The Way You Are
29= Amber - Warrior
30= Polina Gagarina - A Million Voices
31= Daniel Kajmakoski - Autumn Leaves
32= John Karayiannis - One Thing I Should Have Done
33= Maria Olafs - Unbroken
34= Mélanie René - Time to Shine
35= Anita Simoncini & Michele Perniola - Chain of Lights
36= Monika Linkytė & Vaidas Baumila - This Time
37= Aminata - Love Injected
38= Boggie - Wars for Nothing
39= Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät - Aina mun pitää
40= Bojana Stamenov - Beauty Never Lies




#15 2017-09-14 13:15:57

 Big W


Piosenka-ESC: Waterloo
Kraj-ESC: Szwecja

Re: RANKING: Wiedeń 2015

Worek zielony

01 Guy Sebastian - "Tonight Again"
02 Il Volo - "Grande amore"
03 Elina Born & Stig Rästa - "Goodbye to Yesterday"
04 Loïc Nottet - "Rhythm Inside"
05 Marta Jandová & Václav Noid Bárta - "Hope Never Dies"
06 Mørland & Debrah Scarlett - "A Monster Like Me"
07 Nadav Guedj - "Golden Boy"
08 Måns Zelmerlöw - "Heroes"
09 The Makemakes - "I Am Yours"
10 Edurne - "Amanecer"

Worek żółty

11 Uzari & Maimuna - "Time"
12 Knez - "Adio"
13 Monika Kuszyńska - "In the Name of Love"
14 Lisa Angell - "N'oubliez pas"
15 Maraaya - "Here for You"
16 Voltaj - "De la capăt"
17 Anti Social Media - "The Way You Are"
18 Elnur Huseynov - "Hour of the Wolf"
19 Ann Sophie - "Black Smoke"
20 Maria Elena Kyriakou - "One Last Breath"

Worek czerwony

21 Leonor Andrade - "Há um mar que nos separa"
22 Electro Velvet - "Still in Love with You"
23 Molly Sterling - "Playing with Numbers"
24 Nina Sublatti - "Warrior"
25 Polina Gagarina - "A Million Voices"
26 Maria Olafs - "Unbroken"
27 Amber - "Warrior"
28 John Karayiannis - "One Thing I Should Have Done"
29 Genealogy - "Face the Shadow"
30 Eduard Romanyuta - "I Want Your Love"
31 Elhaida Dani - "I'm Alive"
32 Daniel Kajmakoski - "Autumn Leaves"
33 Monika Linkytė & Vaidas Baumila - "This Time"
34 Anita Simoncini & Michele Perniola - "Chain of Lights"
35 Boggie - "Wars for Nothing"
36 Mélanie René - "Time to Shine"
37 Aminata - "Love Injected"
38 Trijntje Oosterhuis - "Walk Along"
39 Bojana Stamenov - "Beauty Never Lies"
40 Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät - "Aina mun pitää"

Ostatnio edytowany przez Big W (2017-09-14 13:16:36)




#16 2017-10-27 21:08:34

 The King

Apres toi

Piosenka-ESC: Let Me Try
Odznaczenie: MODERATOR

Re: RANKING: Wiedeń 2015


Guy Sebastian - "Tonight Again"
Nadav Guedj - "Golden Boy"
Il Volo - "Grande amore"
Voltaj - "De la capăt"
Marta Jandová & Václav Noid Bárta - "Hope Never Dies"
Uzari & Maimuna - "Time"
Elina Born & Stig Rästa - "Goodbye to Yesterday"


Måns Zelmerlöw - "Heroes"
Ann Sophie - "Black Smoke"
Loïc Nottet - "Rhythm Inside"
Edurne - "Amanecer"
Mørland & Debrah Scarlett - "A Monster Like Me"
The Makemakes - "I Am Yours"
Monika Kuszyńska - "In the Name of Love"
Elnur Huseynov - "Hour of the Wolf"
Maria Elena Kyriakou - "One Last Breath"
Knez - "Adio"
Maraaya - "Here for You"
Lisa Angell - "N'oubliez pas"


Polina Gagarina - "A Million Voices"
Nina Sublatti - "Warrior"
Mélanie René - "Time to Shine"
Leonor Andrade - "Há um mar que nos separa"
Elhaida Dani - "I'm Alive"
Genealogy - "Face the Shadow"
Anti Social Media - "The Way You Are"
Electro Velvet - "Still in Love with You"
Eduard Romanyuta - "I Want Your Love"
Molly Sterling - "Playing with Numbers"
Amber - "Warrior"
John Karayiannis - "One Thing I Should Have Done"
Maria Olafs - "Unbroken"
Boggie - "Wars for Nothing"
Monika Linkytė & Vaidas Baumila - "This Time"
Daniel Kajmakoski - "Autumn Leaves"
Trijntje Oosterhuis - "Walk Along"
Aminata - "Love Injected"
Anita Simoncini & Michele Perniola - "Chain of Lights"
Bojana Stamenov - "Beauty Never Lies"
Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät - "Aina mun pitää"


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